Saturday, 20 August 2011

Super Curcumin Bioperine

Super Curcumin Bioperine

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Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a thorny pink flowering plant that has been revered for its beneficial properties for thousands of years. First grown in the Mediterranean region, it now flourishes, too, in the Eastern United States and in California. Originally valued as a supplement to encourage production of breast milk in new mothers, for menstrual problems, depression, and even to ease the symptoms of varicose veins, its current popularity stems from its use in the treatment and prevention of liver disease. The human liver can become damaged by disease, environmental toxins or from the effects of personal choices, such as overuse of alcohol or drugs. Milk thistle may help to ameliorate this liver damage

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Milk Thistle for Liver Cleansing

Milk Thistle for Liver Cleansing

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Coenzyme Co Q10

 Buy CoQ10 Supplements|SimplyPure CoQ10 Benefits|Coenzyme Co Q10

What is CoQ10 and where does it come from?

The primary function of CoQ10 is as a catalyst for metabolism - the complex chain of chemical reactions during which food is broken down into packets of energy that the body can use. Acting in conjunction with enzymes, the compound speeds up the vital metabolic process, providing the energy that the cells need to digest food, heal wounds, maintain healthy muscles, and perform countless other bodily functions.

Because of the nutrient's essential role in energy production, it's not surprising that it is found in every cell in the body. It is especially abundant in the energy-intensive cells of the heart, helping this organ beat more than 100,000 times each day.

In addition, CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant, much like vitamins C and E, helping to neutralize the cell-damaging molecules known as free radicals.

CoQ10 may play a role in preventing cancer, heart attacks, and other diseases linked to free-radical damage. It's also used as a general energy enhancer and anti-aging supplement. Because levels of the compound diminish with age (and with certain diseases), some doctors recommend daily supplementation beginning about age 40.

The repeated message on this site is that anti aging is just as much about what you eat and the lifestyle you lead as the products you buy.
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CoQ10: one of the best anti aging supplementsCoQ10: one of the best anti aging supplements

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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Ultimate Resveratrol

Ultimate Resveratrol Complex|Simply Pure Resveratrol with Green Tea
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SimplyPure Resveratrol with Pomegranate

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Resveratrol Anti Aging Supplements

Super Trans Resveratrol
Pure Resveratrol Capsules
 Anti Aging Supplements
Weight Loss Antioxidant

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resveratrol news and articles

Resveratrol news, articles and information:
resveratrol news and articles

Research Shows Health Benefits Associated With Resveratrol


Resveratrol and grape seed polyphenols combine to prevent diabetes

4/29/2011 - Researchers publishing the results of two independent studies in the British Journal of Nutrition have demonstrated that polyphenol antioxidants found naturally in red grapes can prevent the buildup of fat in muscle tissue that is a precursor to metabolic disorder and diabetes. Resveratrol and grape...

Research Shows Health Benefits Associated With Resveratrol

SANTA ANA, CALIF., Aug. 15, 2011 /NewsRelease/ - A new study from the University of Florida highlights the benefits of resveratrol, a compound found in red wine and grapes.

New Antioxidant Found in Tomatoes When Stressed

Submitted by Deborah Mitchell on 2011-07-25
New Antioxidant Found in Tomatoes When Stressed

Tomato plants react to stress in a healthy way

The Spanish research team discovered the new antioxidant while they were studying tomato plants that had undergone biotic stress, which is stress that occurs when plants are subjected to damage from insects, weeds, fungi, bacteria, and other similar factors. Understanding biotic stress in crops is important because it can have a devastating impact on agricultural yields and economics...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

milk thistle news and articles

Milk thistle news, articles and information:

milk thistle news and articles

Thisilyn - Milk Thistle Extract

Milk Thistle May Slow Lung Cancer

Tests on Mice Show Smaller Lung Tumors With Milk Thistle Compound
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
June 20, 2006 -- A compound from the milk thistle plant might slow the progression of lung cancerlung cancer, according to lab tests done on mice.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)

Super Milk Thistle|Simply Pure Milk Thistle|Milk Thistle liver capsules

Milk Thistle for post-holiday detox

Published December 30, 2009

Read more:
It's easy to eat too much fatty food and rich desserts during the holidays. And when the holidays are over, many people want to detoxify, to rid the body of that heavy feeling. The best and quickest way to do so is to rid the liver of unwanted fats and accumulated digestive by-products. And the best way to do that is with Milk thistle.

Read more:

Milk Thistle Beneficial for Liver Cleansing

Milk Thistle for Liver Cleansing
by Marian Brown
Although the gardener and lawnworker would be unhappy to see this plant sprout, the herbalist knows better! The milk thistle, when full grown, is a splendid plant. It can grow several feet tall and top off with a colorful purple-pink pompom-like bloom. However, its beauty is best observed carefully, as the stem and leaves are covered with sharp, prickly thorns.
Milk Thistle

Despite these thorny annoyances, the milk thistle offers a wide range of benefits. The stem can be peeled to remove the spiny points and then eaten like celery. The leaves can be steamed like spinach. The roots can be boiled or eaten raw. Even the seeds can be eaten, but are quite potent and should be supervised by a knowledgeable provider.
Most of us don’t go out and literally "eat our weeds", but rather we buy prepared supplements. Milk thistle has be a long standing staple with the herbalist. Milk thistle is extremely popular in Europe where it is used in liver tonics. Studies have found that milk thistle contains Vitamin P (flavonoids). The flavonoid silymarin, according the Mindall’s Herb Bible, has been shown to have direct effects on the liver. Some feel that the effects are protective in nature, while other studies, particularly from Germany, show that it can actually help treat acute and chronic hepatitis, jaundice, and counter the effects from drugs and alcohol. Milk thistle can rejuvenate the liver and promote the develop of new liver cells.

Milk thistle extract | Newsroom | University of Colorado Denver

Milk thistle extract controls lung cancer in mice

Highlighted study from University of Colorado Cancer Center

Aurora, Colo. (Feb. 15, 2011)— Silibinin, a milk thistle extract, decreases tumor size in mice by inhibiting production of an enzyme that is overexpressed in certain types cancer, researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center have found.

Ultra-Cleanse Super Milk Thistle 100mg-60 UltraCaps

Super Milk Thistle|Simply Pure Milk Thistle|Milk Thistle liver capsules 
Physician Naturals Ultra Cleanse Super Milk Thistle Liver capsules are used by
Premiere instittutes around the World. It is standardized to provide 120 mg of Silymarin in
each capsule—many times more potent than vitamins E and C. Silymarin is the main
ingredient in milk thistle extract and provides not only liver support, but also your
other body systems (intestines, gall bladder, circulatory and lymphatic systems)
detoxify, getting rid of the bad stuff that can affect your health.